Photo Gallery of Unusual Props

Created, built and painted by hand by Richard Leigh over the last thirty eight years.

 This extensive collection of hand made props are very unusual, highly decorative and themed around the titles of the 7 magical productions Richard presents in an ever changing programme throughout each year at ‘The Magic Theatre’

‘The A over T Illusion’ from a Circus themed magic and illusion show called ‘The Magical Amphitheatre’
A close up of ‘The A over T Illusion’ from a Circus themed magic and illusion show called ‘The Magical Amphitheatre’
’The Bin Zag Illusion’ from ‘The Recycled Magic Show’
’The Car Door Illusion’ from ‘The Recycled Magic Show’
’The Windmill’ – Production Cabinet Illusion from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’
‘Substitution Trunk’ from a Circus themed magical Side show from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’
’The Ghost Train’ prop (Side View) from ‘The Fun Fair at The Magic Theatre’
’The Ghost Train’ prop (Frontage) from ‘The Fun Fair at The Magic Theatre’
’The Ghost in the Magic Mirror’ from ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’
’The Wishing Well’ from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’
‘The Guillotine’ from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’
‘Play Cards with a Ghostly Hand’ prop from ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’
Various characters materialise at ‘The Ghost Door’ from ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’

The model theatre frontage used in ‘The Magic Symphony’

Artwork on a clip board used in ‘The Wishing Well’ from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’

The cast of a head of a puppet used in ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’

An upright display board to hold cards in the ‘Lucky Numbers’ routine from ‘Cave 13 – The Superstitious Magic Show’

The back of a revolving mirror used in ‘The Fastest Mathematician’ routine from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’

‘Shoes Upon The Table’ – a vanish used in ‘Cave 13 – The Superstitious Magic Show’

The front of the revolving mirror used in ‘The Fastest Mathematician’ routine from ‘The Side Shows of Wonders’

‘The Superstitious Triangle‘ table from ‘Cave 13 – The Superstitious Magic Show’

‘The Floating Hat’ of ‘The Wishing Well’ from ‘The Side Shows of Wonders’

A display board for posters from ‘The Magic Theatre’

Artwork on the back of a book used in ‘The Wishing Well’ from ‘The Side Shows of Wonders’

‘The Cracked Mirror’ prop and stand from ‘Cave 13 – The Superstitious Magic Show’

A gifted prop of a model of the front of the theatre created into an advent calendar used every Christmas season from my time working at ‘The Prince of Wales Theatre’ in London.

This advent calendar prop created and prepared ready to go and used each Christmas from my many years working at ‘The Prince Edward Theatre’ in London

Behind each window cover was a stained glass Christmas scene, made from lighting gel and lit from behind. On the cover of each window was a different name of a member of the team who then received chocolate. This prop is gifted to the lovely people at ‘The Prince Edward Theatre’ in London, of which the prop is designed in the shape of the front of the theatre. Such good times …..

‘Cave 13 – The Superstitious Magic Theatre’ is full of broken and cracked mirrors.

The artwork before a repaint (It desperately needed one) on the lid of ‘The Substitution Trunk’ illusion from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’

‘The Pit of Doom’ from ‘The Magic Symphony’

‘The Arm Cremation’ illusion from ‘The Woodland of Wonders’

Please forgive the quality of the old photo. A huge mushroom prop being placed into a huge cauldron (of course) and mixing up a potion. An illusion created for The ‘Illusion’ Show at the Westminster Theatre in London.

The finale of ‘The Cooking Pot’ illusion used in The ‘Illusion’ Show at The Westminster Theatre in London. I guess this means it’s the interval … horah.

Artwork on the front of my tribute to ‘The Zig Zag’ illusion from my cabaret magic act between 1985 and 1999.

The Windmill sails revolve again. A production cabinet used in ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’

‘The Living Head’ from ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’

A sculptural stand of scrap from a table used in ‘The Recycled Magic Show’

Another old photo from a huge playing card blade used in a cutting in four illusion, once the paint had dried. Used in a circus themed part of the magic cabaret act from 1985 to 1999

A jigsaw puzzle prop which is part of some pre show activity before a performance of ‘The Magic Cavern’

A sign used in a colour changing record style prop and routine used to open exhibits in ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’

A prop in the shape of a pub front used within the set for an effect with the orchestra in ‘The Magic Symphony’

A statue from the set of ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’ – beware it will answer back.

I love silly props, and this magic stand with a wind up record handle is … just silly. Used in the production called ‘Malcolm Marvelle – Master of Mystery and the Lovely Rita’

Part of the set from the side show entitled ‘The Cave Monster’ from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’

A mask from ‘The Substitution Trunk’ illusion from ‘The Side Shows of Wonder’

A suspension illusion set up created out of scrap items used in ‘The Recycled Magic Show’

A stand in progress with the theme of twisted wood, which produced a selection of red jewels used in ‘The Woodland of Wonders’

Props used as puzzles with the theme of ‘The Anamorphic Hat’ within ‘The Magical Hats Exhibition’

Artwork on the front of a clip board used to collate forfeit suggestions in ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’

Chains will rattle as you play cards with a ghostly hand. Prop used within ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’

The production of the magician in the doorway of ‘The Spooky Magic Theatre’

Backstage of the model theatre prop used in ‘The Magic Symphony’

‘Don’t ask ….’ (It was a prop I created for a corporate show presented by Anne George from Trevor George Entertainments in Torquay)

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